IALA Foundation Committee
Members: Tony Costanzo (Chair) Alice Salvo, Lydia Liberio, Mariana Noli, Alexandra Cacciatore, David DiJulio, Andrea Schoor-West, Rachel Enders-Clark, and Claire Ambrosio.
Membership Committee
Members: Vito Costanzo (Chair), Timothy Sottile, Onik Ovanesian, David Plumley, Glenn Stern, Racnel Enders Clark, Margherita Giubilei, Mike Mancini and Andrea Schoor-West.
Description: The IALA Membership Committee helps to recruit new members and keep updated membership records.
Law School / Scholarship Commitee
Members: Dan Cantor (Co-Chair), Armando Pax (Loyola) - (Co-Chari), Vito Costanzo (UCLA), Tom Cacciatore, Marina Samson (Southwestern), Rachel Enders Clark (Pepperdine), Timothy Sottile, Lydia Liberio & Margherita Giubilei
Description: The IALA Law School Committee & Scholarship Committee helps to foster relationships between students at law schools offering support to the students and promoting participation works to provide scholarships to outstanding and deserving law students chosen through a careful review process that includes an application based on their merit.
Bar Association Outreach Committee
Members: Lydia Liberio (Chair), Mariana Noli (San Diego), Alice Salvo (NIABA), Terri Macellaro (LACBA), Andrea Schoor-West, Angela Zanin, Onik Ovanesian, & Armando Paz
Description: The IALA Bar Outreach Committee works to develop closer relationships with other professions in Los Angeles County and to foster participation of all attorneys in the IALA.
Judicial Outreach Committee
Members: Andrea Schoor-West (Chair), Judge Margo Rocconi (U.S. Dist. Ct.), Judge Paul Bacigalupo (LASC), Judge Maria Stratton (Appellate), Honorable Judge Maria Cavaluzzi, Marina Samson, Judge Gloria Coco (Ret), Carlo DiCesare (San Bernardino SC) & Lydia Liberio.`
IALA Public Statements
Members: Vito Costanzo (Chair), Angela Zanin, Mariana Noli, Sassan Masserat and Edward Baretta.
Sponsorship Committee
Members: Margherita Giubelei, (Chair), Anthony Costanzo, Vito Costanzo, Hon. Judge Gloria Coco (Ret.), Julius Thompson, Christian Scali, Griffin Lee & Carlo DiCesare.
Past Presidents Committee
Angela Zanin (Chair), Mariana Noli, Alice Salvo, Lydia Liberio, Greg Salvato, Tom Cacciatore, David DiJulio, Stephen Mesi, Terri Macellaro, Michael Diliberto & Tony Costanzo.
Description: The IALA Past Presidents Committee provides continued support, mentorship and guidance to the sitting President.
Social Media/Website/Bolletino
Members: Mariana Noli (Chair), Mariana Samson, Judge Gloria Coco (Ret), Margherita Giubilei & Amber Heady.
Description: The IALA Social Media and Website Committee’s job is to keep IALA’s social media presence updated, promote organization’s events, and keep the IALA website up to date and efficient as possible, suggesting possible and modifications.
Unity Bar Committee
Members: Angela Zanin (Co-Chair / Liason), Judge Paul Bacigalupo (Ret. - Co-Chair), Anthony Costanzo, Lydia Liberio, Marianna Noli.